Being single shouldn’t be a reason or excuse that stops you going out. Actually, going to a small trip alone is the best opportunity to experience the environment, feel the nature, explore the world, and listen to your heart without any disturbance. Therefore, in this sunny Sataurday, I fully prepared to embrace Taichung with my ear for the music of iPod, nose for the scent of nature, and eyes for the view in front of me.
In fact, sometimes being in an unfamiliar environment could always bring you some inspirations and different thoughts and recall some memories in your deep mind via all kinds of scene or scent there. On the other hand, sometimes I just wanna get rid of the city and surroundings I completely familiar with so that it’s good for me to be a totally stranger in an unfamiliar place. That’s why I love go travelling whenever I got time, even just a small trip to the nearby town could turn out an amazing experience as well. To me, experiencing and spending a period of time with myself and environment is the only matter, and the destination is additional benefit.
So…I am roaming in Taichung in a sunny Saturday afternoon. My friend CW volunteered to be my local tourist (and driver of cos) to show me TungHai University and Wetland KaoMei, and actually we did nothing but eating, drinking, and walking, chatting to spend the playful day.
高美溼地夕陽,太陽藏在重重雲朵後不肯見人,只有風呼呼呼的努力表現著。害我臉色滄桑黯淡,頭髮隨風飄著像瘋子。我沒加上外套,只以短袖T和圍巾感受這涼涼的氣候,但身旁的人看我像神經失調不分冷熱的瘋子。CW蜷曲著身體說:「可以一邊走一邊聊嗎? 站著不動好冷喔!」我想,這位年輕人身體也太虛了吧。